
where I can step in to support your brand

full-service consultancy


This is when we do a full audit of your customer lifecycle, find the gaps and design a strategy that aligns with your brand’s immediate and long-term goals.

That strategy might be focused on a specific audience or a specific stage of the customer lifecycle, or more broad.

You might already have a lifecycle marketing strategy, and it’s just not working.  Then our starting point is different, but the outcome will be the same.  We’ll revisit what you’re hoping to achieve, why and how.  And we’ll speak with key stakeholders across the team to identify what’s not working and why, before sharing a re-freshed strategy.

Got a question?

  • It’s simple, there are three steps:

    (1) You book an 30-Min Discovery Call here. This is for me to get to know you, the team around you, the challenges being faced, and the goals that have been set.

    (2) I host a 90-Min Workshop with you and any key stakeholders in your team (this could include members of your Sales, Customer Care or Product teams). This is for me to deep-dive into your current customer lifecycle and scope the opportunities you’re sleeping on.

    (3) I book a One-Hour Strategy Audit with you. This is for me to present my analysis, alongside recommended campaigns and tactics prioritised according to actual potential value for your brand.

  • Strategies will vary. But as a minimum, a strategy audit will include:

    (1) Audit - A deep-dive into your current customer lifecycle, identifying missing touch-points at each key stage

    (2) Market Research - A high-level summary of competitor behaviours, how they’re engaging and nurturing their relationships with customers

    (3) Roadmap - A comprehensive list of campaigns and strategies to address any missing touch-points in your current customer lifecycle, prioritised according to actual potential value for your business.

    (4) Data - A clear view of success metrics moving forward, as well as a recommended ‘Test & Learn’ framework to maximise success.

  • No.

    I can lead the end-to-end process: from content creation to implementation, to ongoing management of the strategy. You might have teams in place who can do all of this, but even then I can oversee the process from afar to make sure you have everything you need to succeed.

  • I only build strategies around free channels, channels that require no net-new investment to launch net-new campaigns.

    These channels include: email marketing, chatbot, in-app messaging, push notifications and SMS.

    I’ll prioritise strategies using channels you already have in place, but I might also recommend launching net-new channels if I believe they’ll be key to helping you reach your goals. In these instances, I’ll suggest possible solutions and share set-up costs; beyond that, I can even lead the implementation of any new tool.

  • No.

    With a decade’s worth of experience working brand-side across the B2B and B2C spaces, I’ve seen first-hand that three things count:

    (1) A deep understanding of the customer, i.e. what their actual, real challenges are

    (2) A deep understanding of the product or service, i.e. how a brand solves for these in actual, real terms

    (3) A clear and consistent alignment on goals, i.e. what the priority is for the business today

    As long as a brand can share these three things, I can design the framework of a powerful lifecycle marketing program.

  • I basically act as an extension of your team. This means open and regular communication.

    As a minimum, you should expect weekly or bi-weekly check-ins, as well as async updates on email and Slack.

  • For sure. If you’re based in Leeds or London, I can come to your office or host you at my co-working space.


step-in assistance

You might have one person or a team managing your lifecycle marketing efforts right now.  Perhaps they’re stretched too thin.  Or perhaps they want an expert to handle a specific portion of their role.

Here, I can act as an add-on to your team; whether that means stepping in on an individual project or offering support on a per-diem basis.


one-time workshop

This is another one for when you have one person or a team managing your lifecycle marketing efforts right now.  Perhaps you want to spark new ideas amongst them and reinvigorate a strategy that’s not working.

Here, I can step in and deliver a workshop to your team.  Low-effort, high-reward.


hiring management

You might have decided to build your own brand-side lifecycle marketing team.  But perhaps you’re struggling to hire top talent.

Here, I can help you to write a job description that stands out to candidates and aligns completely with your business goals.  I’ll even shortlist the best applicants against it and lead final interviews to assess candidates’ subject-based knowledge.  I’ll be your Hiring Manager, in all but name.